Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Welcome 2012! Yay!

So people are saying stuff about 2012 resolution. ME TOO! Some of them said 'Nah, I don't need to have one.'

But I said, "If you don't have a target, or unknowingly what your life could have in the future, then we're like strangers, chasing pavement when we can go by bike.'
(excuse the expression)

So here's mine, hopefully it can be done. If not, well, at least I tried.

1. Finished reading the Bible. This is the most important book I have and haven't been able to finished it for 22 years.
2. Do more and more good things, as a Christian, and as a person. Remember, good seeds made good harvest.
3. Be very good..well not 'very good' I guess, in cooking and baking both Indonesian and western, and must memorized what kind of food Martin likes.
3. Grow my hair..or stay short? I haven't figure this out yet. Maybe it's not the length that matters, but how to take care of it better.
4. Spend more time with my loved ones, not by sms/bbm/chat but face-to-face.
5. Go back to school. Means I have to study hard until I got accepted. And study harder when I got in.
6. Got a new job. My recent one expires on April. Got a freelance job, too. My Mom is going to scream, 'How many jobs do you need???' haha
7. Have my 2nd and 3rd grade piano examination.
8. Focus on writing more.
9. Spend less, save more. This include money, time, management, having fun, doing work, etc. But exclude SHOES.:)
10. Fix my teeth. I'm ALWAYS super scared of dentist, and now I'm going to have dental surgery.

I wrote 10 already?? Can I write more? Please??

"Just when you thought everything is set and done, comes another task. Life's a wheel. You can put it down, but it's designed to roll."


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